Once upon a time, in a kingdom ruled by a gentle red hooded princess, lived a peculiar wolf. Unlike his father and his grandfather and his father’s grandfather, he was neither particularly big nor bad.
He lived alone with his old mother on a hill where his family had been banished for some sordid affair. Much to his mother’s despair our wolf showed absolutely no interest in the traditional lupine activity of people eating. On the contrary, his love of vegetables and his keen interest for chess made her quite angry and disappointed. She made a point of reminding him everyday how he brought no end of shame on the household.
Then, one morning when her melodic howling suddenly stopped, the wolf knew there was something wrong…
* A game for grownups with youthful hearts
* 60 different puzzles and enigmas to solve
* 6 brain training exercises designed in close collaboration with the neuroscientists of Brain Center International
* 20 puzzle filled scenes spanning the course of a 5 chapter story
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