Saturday, May 9, 2009

iDefrag 1.6.6

Every Mac user has noticed it; over time, your system slows down. This is particularly true in these days of constant security updates, as replacing operating system components not only increases file fragmentation, but also creates a more insidious problem—over time, the operating system itself ends up scattered all over your disk.

This, of course, doesn’t show up as fragmentation—after all, the files themselves are probably contiguous—but nevertheless, it takes your machine longer to start up, it takes programs longer to start, and it takes longer to get your work done.

iDefrag solves these problems and more, by defragmenting and optimizing your Mac’s filesystem.


Full support for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
iDefrag is compatible with the latest versions of Mac OS X, and with the very latest hardware from Apple.

Works with Time Machine
iDefrag is safe to use on Time Machine back-up volumes if you so wish.

Native support for journaled filesystems
iDefrag knows about the journal and does the right thing automatically. No need to turn journaling off to defragment or optimize your disk.

Support for case-sensitive HFS+
Using case-sensitive HFS+ for compatibility with legacy UNIX software? No problem. iDefrag knows what to do.

Supports the Hot Zone
Mac OS X is smart about the files you use the most. It moves them to an area on the disk called the Hot Zone, for improved access times. Unlike older defragmentation tools, iDefrag understands the Hot Zone, and knows which files should be there.

Thermal Monitoring *
iDefrag watches the temperature of your disk while defragmenting. If things are getting a little toasty, iDefrag will wait for the disk to cool down before continuing.

Four powerful defragmentation algorithms
Optimize or compact your disk as required. Includes a sophisticated programmable optimization engine—if you’re an advanced user, you can rearrange the contents of your disk how you want.

Defragment while the disk is in use
iDefrag can perform simple defragmentation while the disk is still in use. Good for situations where you don’t need the full power of the optimizer, but have a few fragmented files you want to sort out.

Per-block and accurate whole-disk display
See the individual blocks used by your files, watch iDefrag move them around in real time, and get an at-a-glance overview of the state of your disk.

AppleScript and Automator support
iDefrag includes extensive AppleScript support and comes with an Automator action to help Automator users script defragmentation without needing to learn AppleScript.

More Info:

Size:5772 KB

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